15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Examining the fundamental qualities of effective leaders and their influence on business culture and individual success, has, along with 30 years of leadership experience, enabled the development of bespoke Leadership programmes and well as the adoption of many John Maxwell programmes that cover everything from employee to leadership programmes for individuals to Executive Leadership team mentorship. You’ll find methodology and practical action in all we teach, influencing, leading through crisis or adversity, irrefutable laws of leadership, communication and connection, performance management, growth, leading leaders and much more.
15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
'What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?' Robert H. Schuller
Growth doesn't just happen, it has to be intentional. Abraham Maslow (Maslow hierarchy of needs) the American psychologist, made the profound statement ' If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you'll probably be unhappy all of the days of your life'
Don't be unhappy, don't waste time.
This 15 week coaching mastermind will set you on fire to become all you can be, covering laws such as intentionality, reflection, consistency, trade-offs and so much more as we dive deeper into the teachings of John Maxwell - No.1 Leadership expert and author of over 70 books and mentor to government leaders all over the world.
Its available as group, a team or as an individual and includes all resources
Prices are dependant on size of group and mix of programmes and vary anywhere between £00's to £00,000's so we very much promote discussing your 'why' before you embark on any of our programmes, we want to ensure the right course is going to answer your question, we hate to see anyone pay for something that won't benefit them, give full value and leave a resounding change. we also love to add a little bespoke content too with an overwhelming desire to over deliver, so please call us to discuss further and lets enable a shift in your business through leadership and development at the highest level.
Please follow the link below and one of our team will be in touch to discuss how we can best help you on your leadership journey.